Saturday, April 21, 2012


So I hurt my back at work this week. It was sore after work on Tuesday and sore throughout the day and after work on wednesday and then Friday morning I lifted something at work and felt shooting pain in my back. It hurt so bad! It even hurt to breath. I took ibrofen and tried to work through the pain because my manger has a stupid policy in regards to using our PPTO (person paid time off, not vacation time) and I knew if I left early he would t let me use it. But by close to 1pm I was in so much pain I was in tears. It was horrible. So I came home and hubby took me to urgent care where they told me I have a lumbar strain. They told me to take the next day (Friday) of work, not to lift anything over 20 pounds for a week and gave me a prescription for an anti inflammatory and a muscle relaxer. Well Friday work tells me I have to go see a different doctor. So I went and this doctor wants me to do 2 physical therapy sessions next week, I can't lift anything over 10 pounds, I can't bend at the waist more then 3 times an hour and I have to limit lower back use all until I see him for a follow up in a week. I thought it was pretty funny that the dr they send me to fells the injury is worse then the first dr thought and put more restrictions on my and wants me to do physical therapy. Oh well. As long as it feels better. It is feeling a lot better today. It just sucks that this happens right after I started working out and dieting and losing weight. It's just like seriously?! Things were going so good and then this has to happen and I can't work out. Oh well. Hopefully I'll feel good enough to at least walk a few times next week an then restart c25k the week after hopefully.

I do have some good news though. My in-laws have been offering us a car for awhile now since they have an extra vehicle and we finally took them up on the offer so we can get ride of my car payment. Well we went to Carmax today to see what they'll give is for my car and it's $2000 more then I thought we'd get! So I'm happy about that. It leaves us short $1000 from what I owe. So on Monday were taking it to Carmax to sell it to them and we'll pay the additional $1000 to them that we owe. I'll drive hubby's car for the rest of the (he'll be out of town) an he'll drive home with my new (old) car. Its a jeep and it's about 10 years old but it's in excellent condition and totally worth getting ride of a $350 a month car payment for!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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