Sunday, April 15, 2012


So on thursday The hubs and I talked about what we wanted for dinner this weekend. On Friday he was going to take the pup, Brody, to the pet store to get groomed then go to the store and I would pick up Brody when I got off work at 4. We decided on carne asada for Friday night (since we already had everything we needed except the meat) and "steaks" on Sunday. I worked late (till 9) on Saturday so I ate at work. So hubs has been on this kick of making hibachi style steak and fried rice at home. It's good and all, but when he said "steaks" my mouth was watering as I thought about medium rare steak dipped in A-1. Mmmm. Well apparently he meant the hibachi style while I was thinking grilled yummyness. The carne asada was super yummy. And I only had 1, where normally I'd have 2 carne asada tacos!

Then today came and we were watching tv on bed this morning as I drank my coffee. We are in the process of trying to get rid of my car and the in laws are giving us a car. They have 3 paid off cars (after inheriting one from hubbys grandpa who passed away) in great condition and have been offering is one for awhile. Which we've been declining for awhile. Until we woke up and decided to start acting like adults. We thought hey! If we get rid of my car and it's $350 a month car payment we can save money and pay off some other bills in hopes that I can stay home when we have a baby! Instead of waiting until I got pregnant to start figuring out if/how I'll be able to stay home. We're being grow ups and getting prepared! Anyways...we wanted to get my car detailed and then go to Carmax to get a quote. See how much they'd buy my car for. Well he had said he'd take my car to get detailed, but he didn't. Then he was saying he'd be too busy this week to take it. So we decided "let's just do both today, detailing and Carmax" so I hopped into the shower and was almost done with my makeup when he came in and decided that we should wait until later in the week because when Carmax gives us a quote it's only good for 7 days (he thought it was 30 days but I guess he checked it out while I was in the shower). With the busy week he'll have this week he won't be able to get to CA to get said "new"car and get back and get my car to Carmax for them to buy it in said 7 days. So...he offers to take me to lunch since I'm already getting ready. Ahhh! He knows I'm trying to diet. He says "well everywhere had stuff that's healthy you can get" he just doesn't get it. I was upset. He was all "I'm just trying to be nice and take you out" finally I just told him "yes. They have healthy food, but I wont make healthy choices. I'll want something good and yummy and this is why I'm fat!" I think it finally clicked and he understood. So he said "ok. Let's see what we have to make" and I had a lean cuisine steamed meal thing that was good! And he had a frozen Tgifridays meal. Win-win.

Anyways back to my point. I wanted steak with a-1 and he wanted hibachi style. He was mad at me and being kinda mean to me. So I found a recipe on Pinerest for making steak on a stove/oven and I told his he can make his own food and I'm not going to help him because he's being a jerk. So I made my steak and made zucchini to go with it. And OMG it was sooo amazingly good! I never knew I could make such good steak! And the zucchini! Yum!

So my eating could have been a lot worse this weekend and it probably could've been better (the butter on the steak comes to mind) and I am currently drinking wine, but I'm happy with my eating this weekend. I never did get in my last week 1 run so it looks like I'll be running 4 times this week. Week 1 day 3 and then the 3 runs for week 2. But since last week was such a short week I'm not stressing about it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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