Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The morning after

Last night was my first "real" workout in a long time. Week 1, day 1 of c25k! It felt good and today I woke up feeling good! My legs are a little sore, but I thought I'd be much more sore. I feel great though. I feel like I have more energy already! I'm so excited and motivated. I'm committing 30 minutes a day to myself, for myself, for my health. Once I'm farther into the c25k and it becomes more of a habit I plan on adding more to my workout routine. I want to add some strength training to tone up my arms and crunches and ab exercises to tone my core. But for now I'm making a commitment of 30 minutes a day to do c25k, and on the days I don't do c25k to just take a 30 minute walk. The pup loved the workout last night, he was exhausted when we got home. So it's great for him too!

I dug out our scale today. It was buried under some stuff in the garage. To make sure I have it and it works for Fridays weigh in! I weighed myself for the heck of it even though I was already on my second cup of coffee and fresh out of the shower with wet hair and was happy to see I weigh 4 pounds less then the scale at the dr said I did! I know the dr scales are always off, it was also after I had drank a ton of water and had lunch. But I'm still going with it for my starting weight. It will make me feel better about my progress on Friday and motivate me that I can do this!!!

Tonight I work 1-9pm. I'm hoping we get out early (we've been getting out early, like 8:30, because it's slow and we can get done closing earlier usually) because that'll make it easier for me to workout, but either way I'm going to do it. I keep telling myself it's just 30 minutes, a quick shower, and then into bed because i have to get up early tomorrow and tomorrow is a long day at work. I MIGHT not work out tomorrow. I hope to, but i figure since I worked out last night and I'm going to work out tonight then I can skip tomorrow if I feel like I need to.

Usually when I close at work I'll get fast food for the hubs and I on the way home and that's unhealthy because the type of food I'm eating but also because I'm eating so late and then going to bed full. It's bad! I need to break that habit. So I'm taking a lean cuisine with me to work for dinner and I made sure that we have some stuff hubs can make himself for dinner, left overs from last night (chicken tacos - which I only had 1 of instead of my usual 2!) and there's also stuff in the freezer he can easily make himself. I'm planning ahead because that's the only way I can succeed at this.

Can't wait for Friday to see how much my hard work pays off!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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