Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I've been doing so well on my new plan. I lost 11 pounds in 1 week. I know a lot of it was water weight, but it was a great start! I've been hoping that these first 30 pounds come off just like I gained them, quickly and unnoticed. By unnoticed I mean without struggling to lose them. I was/still am hoping that by just changing my eating and working out a few days a week I can get them off easily. After the first 30 pounds or so I'm guessing I'll have to step things and work a little harder as I try to lose more weight. The more weight you have to lose the easier it comes off in the beginning. At least that's the way I feel about it. I'm noticing that I've lost a few pounds. My clothes fit a little better and I think my tummy looks a little better. I'm feeling a little less fat, even though I know I still have a long way to go.

I was so motivated and all "let's do this! Workout in the rain? Hells ya!" But this week I haven't workout yet. Sunday was a lazy day, but I needed it after being in CA last weekend and then working all week. I didn't really have a break, a chance to relax until Sunday. Monday (yesterday) was hard like Monday's can be. I didn't sleep very well Sunday night and Monday is my earliest work day so I struggles to get up. I just wasn't feeling it. I ate well though. I had my usual smoothie for breakfast (1% milk, a few spoonfuls of vanilla light and fit yogurt and frozen fruit) and I had a lean cuisine for lunch. Before I went to work hubby told me he had to go to Wyoming for work, he'd leave later that day and be home the next night. After work I went to the grocery store for a few things and was trying to think of what to have for dinner since he'd be leaving shortly after I got home. I caved. Wandering the store I saw the parmesan spinach artichoke dip I love and got some pita bread to dip in it. Diet fall. It would be one thing if I had a little and that was it. But I had no willpower. I finished off that little container of dip with 3 pitas. Horrible! I kept telling myself "well now I absolutely have to work out!" But the hubby left and I'm crazy. I starting having these thoughts "what if something happens, I get hit by a car, I get kidnapped, the dog gets hit by a car? Hubs is gone, what would I do, who would I call?" yep I'm crazy. Then "what if someone breaks into our house while I'm gone? What if I get back and they kill me?" Wow, seriously. I know totally irrational. But the hubs is in another state and I'm alone here. I have to family or close friends here. They're all in another state. So I decided to take advantage of the alone time and I climbed into bed early to catch up on my DVR'd shows.

I know it was bad. I know I should have worked out. But yesterday is over and done with, so onto today. Back to focusing on my diet and working out. So tonight after work I HAVE to workout. And of course it's raining today. Just my luck. But oh well. I need to do c25k today (Tuesday), Wednesday, Friday and saturday to catch up for this week. Then I'll be able to start week 3 of c25k off right and not worry about playing catchup. I'll just need to workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 3 days seems so doable but 4 seems like a challenge and I struggle to figure out when I'm going to fit in the workouts without overwhelming myself.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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