Friday, April 27, 2012

Getting stuff done...finally!

I have a to-do list a mile long right now. There's stuff I need to do and stuff I want to do. Stuff I've been putting off for awhile. Ok let's be honest, stuff I've been putting off since we moved in...almost a year ago. My best friend is coming to visit (for the first time) this next weekend and I want our house to look good. To look the way I want it to look. When we first moved here we had just gotten married and I bought a set of frames and picked out my fav wedding pics and I hung the framed pics in our apartment. Well that box has been sitting in our garage since we moved in. So today I FINALLY hung the pics. I also hung some shelves along with them.
I still want to make some vinyl words or something to go in the spaces below the two larger pics. Every time I walk by it I can't help but smile! It's so great to see the pics hanging on the wall and I'm so glad I finally got it crossed off my to-do list.

Another thing on the list was the garage. There's still a bunch of stuff in there (boxes of mine, boxes of the hubby's, a bunch of tools that belonged to hubby's grandpa, baby stuff that my sister gave me when we moved, our old couch we need to get ride of) and we just pushed everything far enough to one side so I could park my car in there. So last night went through all the boxes and put mine in one stack and hubby's in another stack, I finally set up our metal shelves and put some of the tools and other stuff on it. It still needs a lot of work, but it's already much better!
The metal shelves I put together on the left and then storage cabinet for my crafty stuff (spray paint and stuff for other projects that need to be done in the garage). The boxes on the right are for hubby's work :

Another project high on my to-do list is getting our basement guest room put together. I finally hung the curtains my mom brought here in December. I put a bookcase in there and I bought a lamp. I want to make some pictures for the room (I have an awesome idea using canvas, vinyl and spray paint). I also need to get the bathroom put together to. I have a cabinet in there and a mirror with hooks that matches that needs to be hung. I'm making a towel rack/hooks and I want to add pictures. I haven't been able to find any art/pictures that I love for in there so I'm thinking about maybe printing out some of my own pictures. I love taking pictures and while I'm no professional I do have some great pics from our honeymoon in Hawaii (ocean and sunset pics) and some pics I've taken of flowers. So I might do a beach theme. Once I get those rooms done I will post pics!

Our carpet is another issue. We adopted our pup, Brody, last July. He was around 9 months old when we got him and he's had house training issues. We'd let him out and he'd come right back in and poop or pee on the floor. He just couldn't seem to get it. We started crating him at night and doing our best to put him out often but it was still happening. We got a doggie door this past weekend and he seems to be doing better, but our carpets are horrible. I wanted to rent a carpet cleaner and clean the carpets before this weekend and after looking at the price to rent one versus buying one it made more sense to buy one since its something we'll get a lot of use out of. I texted hubs with this idea and he called me saying to hold off but after some convincing he said to go ahead and buy it! How lame am I to be excited about cleaning my carpets with my very own cleaner/steamer!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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