Thursday, April 26, 2012

Feeling better

My back is feeling SO much better! It's still sore and I am being extremely careful with everything I do. The PT yesterday helped a lot and I have another appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping by Monday I can start c25k again! I didn't weigh myself last Friday for week 2 and haven't weighed myself at all since early last week so I'm a little scared to step on the scale. I haven't worked out and I haven't exactly been following my diet. So I'm just going to call tomorrow my week 2 weigh in and go from there. I can't help that I hurt my back and was unable to work out. I'm not going to make excuses. It is what it is and I'll just go forward from here. Im sure I'll have to work hard next week to follow my diet and workout to make up for this past week, but I know I can do it.

On another note, I'm glad we're on a TTCing "break". Although we're not preventing anything, I'm trying to focus on myself. On eating healthy, working out, getting back into shape, getting back to being happy with myself. I was planning on charting my temp but I haven't even done that this month. I feel like this is a much needed break. I really need to be in better shape and happier with myself before I get pregnant. And good thing because my hubby has been gone this week and if we'd been trying we'd have missed ovulation with him being gone and I'm sure I'd have been freaking out. But instead I'm ok with it. I still have a lot of work to do on myself and I want to give myself until mid July (our anniversary) to focus on myself before we start actively TTCing again. Because when we are it becomes the focus in my life, the only thing I can concentrate on, so I hope by making eating healthy and working out habits I will be more likely to continue them and not not TTCing take over my life like it did previously. Although I'd be lying I said I didn't think about it just happening during this "break". Like if one day I woke up and thought "hmm, i wonder when my period is supposed to come?" and I check my handy dandy app and I realize I'm a day or 2 late so I take a test and sure enough I'm pregnant. Yeah, that would be awesome, but I know it's just a day dream. It would be nice though!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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