Today at work I found out that a girl I work with is pregnant. And she said she was upset about it at first. She's not done with school (college) yet, but will be once she had the baby in August. When she found out she thought she'd be sick and would have a really hard time working and finishing school. But she said she hasn't been sick just tired. And now she's excited about it. She's 10 weeks. She showed us her ultrasound picture. Everyones so excited for her. I am to. But I'm sad, and upset. Why her, why now, why not me? I could tell that 2 of the other girls where watching me for my reaction. They know I'm ready to have a baby and not preventing it from happening. I tried my hardest to be as normal as i could. But when I walked out of work and was away from everyone I had tears in my eyes. To say the least - it's going to be a long 6+ months. I hate feeling this way. I hate wanting something so bad and so much and watching someone else get it. I wish I could just put my wants on hold. Just enjoy the now. Focus on myself. But I want SO badly to be a mom. To make J a daddy.
This sucks.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
It's not getting any easier
In fact it's just getting harder. I just found out, via the awesomeness that is FB (aka that a mutual high school friend of me and my hubby's had a baby girl today. I didn't even know that she was expecting. She got married shortly before us. I haven't really talked to her since high school. But it hurts. It's one thing when someone I know, whose been with their hubby or guy for a long time has a baby. But this hits close to home for some reason. They haven't been together much longer (maybe even the same amount of time) as me and J, but she got pregnant 9 months ago and just had a baby?! WTH?! I guess if I'd have known she was preggo it might have been easier. Who knows?! But it hurts. And I guess as time goes on it'll only get worse. Even though things are "on hold" for now, were "not trying, but not preventing" it still hurts. And knowing that we've been "not preventing" for 7 months makes it hurt even more. I want to be a momma. I want to make my hubby a daddy. I can only hope and pray that it is in the plans for our future. *hopefully the (very) near future. Everyday I'm reminded of this want that is so deep, even when I try to deny it, postpone it, reason with it, make excuses. I want it more then anything. I'd give anything for it.
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Week 1, day 1
Today is day 1 of week 1 of my diet. No more "I'll start tomorrow" or "I'll start next week". No more excuses. I had coffee and yogurt for breakfast. A sandwich on multi grain bread for lunch. And I'm planning on having a salad with chicken for dinner! And I'm trying to drink more water. I usually drink a lot of water (I mainly just drink water and coffee, I very rarely have soda) but lately I know I haven't been drinking enough water. Recently I've also gotten into a bad habit of having beer or wine almost every night so I need to stop doing that too! I'm going to limit it to the weekends only!
I'm going to try to workout after work today too. I'm going to aim for at least 20 minutes on the elliptical.
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I'm going to try to workout after work today too. I'm going to aim for at least 20 minutes on the elliptical.
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Tomorrow is day 1 of hardcore dieting. We went to the store today and I got lettuce for salads. Frozen veggies to mix with chicken for dinners. Celery. And yogurt for breakfast. My plan is to aim for 5 small meals per day : yogurt (vanilla with strawberry and granola) for breakfast. And then I'll make a sandwich and try to split it into 2 meals. And celery with peanut butter can be a meal when needed. And for dinner when I'm home a chicken and veggie stir fry or salad with chicken.
Here's to a whole new (really just finding the old) me!
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Here's to a whole new (really just finding the old) me!
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
What the heck. I was expecting it, waiting for it actually. AF that is. She was supposed to make her monthly visit tomorrow (CD 27) or the next day (CD28) but decided to show up today. I'm happy because it gives me the go ahead for my diet. Low calorie, very strict for now to jump start my weight loss and healthy eating. My plan for now is hard core diet and get back into working out for 2 months. I'm hoping to make a major difference in these next 2 months...after that you better believe I'll be ordering a bunch of ovulation prediction strips and pregnancy tests. While we won't be doing anything to prevent getting pregnant during this time I won't be "trying" to get pregnant. I'll be trying to focus on me, on getting our house organized and decorated, on my husbands and my relationship. And after 2 months of that I plan on doing everything I can to make a baby! But for now it's all about me!
I think something finally lit my fuse. Yesterday I had just had it. I was feeling down. I was craving the old me. The skinny me. The me that enjoyed going shopping. Loved clothes. Loved going out and having fun. The me that was comfortable with myself. The confident me. It made me realize how far I've come in the wrong direction. I'm determined to fix it. To fix me. Well something clicked. Today, even though I'm still sick and feel pretty yucky, I worked my ass off at work. Thursday's are always a hard day at work. It's the day we get our weekly shipment and it ALL has to be put away. My department is one of the largest. The whole middle of the store (it's a big store). So I spent my day unpackaging stuff and then taking cart fulls of stuff to put away. And I was busting ass! I swear I was sweating most of the day. I knew it was a big order and I really didn't want to be there until 7pm. So I put it into high gear and worked hard all day. It obviously paid off. We were out of work by 5pm! But I felt good. I felt determined! And I still do. This is the start of a new (old) me. I can't wait to be able to wear all the cute clothes in my closet and that are packed away! Not to mention all the cute and sexy bras with matching panties begging to be worn that are too small right now! I'm sure me hubby will enjoy that too ;)!
Here's to finding the old me!
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I think something finally lit my fuse. Yesterday I had just had it. I was feeling down. I was craving the old me. The skinny me. The me that enjoyed going shopping. Loved clothes. Loved going out and having fun. The me that was comfortable with myself. The confident me. It made me realize how far I've come in the wrong direction. I'm determined to fix it. To fix me. Well something clicked. Today, even though I'm still sick and feel pretty yucky, I worked my ass off at work. Thursday's are always a hard day at work. It's the day we get our weekly shipment and it ALL has to be put away. My department is one of the largest. The whole middle of the store (it's a big store). So I spent my day unpackaging stuff and then taking cart fulls of stuff to put away. And I was busting ass! I swear I was sweating most of the day. I knew it was a big order and I really didn't want to be there until 7pm. So I put it into high gear and worked hard all day. It obviously paid off. We were out of work by 5pm! But I felt good. I felt determined! And I still do. This is the start of a new (old) me. I can't wait to be able to wear all the cute clothes in my closet and that are packed away! Not to mention all the cute and sexy bras with matching panties begging to be worn that are too small right now! I'm sure me hubby will enjoy that too ;)!
Here's to finding the old me!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
So this week isn't even over yet, but I'm going to call it a major fail as far as my goals go. There's been a nasty cold going around work and it finally caught up to me. So I've felt crappy since Saturday. I've had no energy so working out, even the simple 10 minutes a day hasn't happened. Ive still been taking healthier lunches to work, but dinners haven't been very healthy, today I got panda express on my way home from work for dinner. Ugh so annoying, I hate making excuses for not working out and not eating healthy and not losing weight, but I guess at least being sick and feeling like crap is an reasonable excuse.
But I'm determined to make it happen. To lose weight, be happier with myself, look better, feel better, fit into my clothes again. I have Friday off so I plan on making a meal plan between now and than and going grocery shopping on Friday. I'm going to focus on my diet and fit in excersice when I can, but I'm determined! I know I can do it. I've done it before. Eating super healthy for awhile might be hard, but the rsults will be so worth it. And really only the first week or so will be hard, after that I'll get used to eating less and I won't crave the crap I usually eat as much. But the first week will be hard. I just need to stick with it. I can and I will do this!!! And I need to do this before I get pregnant. I know it will make for a healthier pregnancy if I lose the extra weight I'm carrying around. I hate being in pictures now because if how I look and I really want to document my future pregnancy, so I want to be happier with myself going into it. I also want to have a cute baby bump, not just look fat when I am pregnant.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
This week
The first goal for this week is an improvement on last weeks cooking at home and no fast food goal. I'm going to attempt to make healthier meals at home! I want to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my meals. I plan on having yogurt and coffee for breakfast, sandwich and apple slices for lunch everyday this week and then make a healthy dinner. Probably lots of chicken, salad, and maybe even some roasted red potatoes in my future.
Goal 2 is to do some kind of workout activity for at least 10 minutes everyday. I have hand weighs sitting on our bedroom floor that haven't been touched in months so I'm hoping to get some use out of those, maybe some crunches, lunges, squats, pushups, heck even some stretching for 10 minutes is an improvement over the current state my (lack of) activity/exercise level! So we shall see how this goes.
The past few days I have realized how truly unhappy I am with myself and that I am the only one standing in the way of changing it. I have a closet full of cute clothes that don't fit me, plus boxes of in the guest closet and garage. I just feel gross. It's time to make a change!
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Goal 2 is to do some kind of workout activity for at least 10 minutes everyday. I have hand weighs sitting on our bedroom floor that haven't been touched in months so I'm hoping to get some use out of those, maybe some crunches, lunges, squats, pushups, heck even some stretching for 10 minutes is an improvement over the current state my (lack of) activity/exercise level! So we shall see how this goes.
The past few days I have realized how truly unhappy I am with myself and that I am the only one standing in the way of changing it. I have a closet full of cute clothes that don't fit me, plus boxes of in the guest closet and garage. I just feel gross. It's time to make a change!
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Small steps
For my 2012 goals I have decided to make small weekly goals (1-2 each week) and try to make them habits which in turn will help me achieve my larger goals for this year!
This week I decided that we need to stop eating fast food (last week was really bad and we had fast food almost every single night for dinner). This will help me eat healthier and help is save money! I went to the grocery store after work on Monday with this idea in mind. Ive taken sandwiches to work for lunch and have made J one too for his lunch! Monday we had chicken tacos for dinner, Tuesday we had sloppy joes, tonight we had spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread, tomorrow we'll have left over chicken tacos, and Friday we'll have left over spaghetti! I also got burgers to BBQ this weekend for lunches Saturday and Sunday! We're having a date night Saturday and we're going out to dinner and to see a movie and sunday we always order pizza so we'll probably do that. I really want to start making healthier meals, but for now this is better then fast food at least! And it'll get me in the habit of cooking more! I've heard about frozen meal plans where you spend 1 day cooking and end up with 30 frozen meals! I'm going to look into that!
The second goal was to clean up the kitchen EVERY night after dinner. More times then not the dishes sit in the sink until the next day and the counters don't get wiped down. So I'm making an effort to load and run the dishwasher, wipe the stove off (if we used it), wipe the counters and put everything away. We have a big counter on one side of our kitchen that is open to the dinning room and we have barstools on the outside edge, that counter is a mess...we really need to clean it off. It's a catchall for mail, the dogs leash, heck there's even some tools on it right now I think! We need to clean it up, but it's not dirty or anything, just messy. But I have been doing really good with this goal too! It's so nice waking up to a nice clean kitchen!
I'm trying to think of ideas for next weeks goal(s). I want them to be simple enough that I can accomplish easily. I want them to be able to blend into my life easily but help me to accomplish my bigger goals. Once the weather is nicer one will be taking Brody (our pup) on a walk, even if it's a really short one, every day! He HATES going outside right now because its so cold and he's tiny and gets cold really easily!
On a side note, J finally got glasses! He's been thinking that he needed to go to an eye dr for awhile now (he hasn't been in 15+ years because he had perfect vision). He felt like he wasn't seeing as clearly as he used to, and I'm sure it has something to do with staring at a computer screen for around 8 hours a day for work! But anyways he finally made an appointment and went. He picked up his new glasses today and he looks super hot in them! He looks older and more sophisticated!
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This week I decided that we need to stop eating fast food (last week was really bad and we had fast food almost every single night for dinner). This will help me eat healthier and help is save money! I went to the grocery store after work on Monday with this idea in mind. Ive taken sandwiches to work for lunch and have made J one too for his lunch! Monday we had chicken tacos for dinner, Tuesday we had sloppy joes, tonight we had spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread, tomorrow we'll have left over chicken tacos, and Friday we'll have left over spaghetti! I also got burgers to BBQ this weekend for lunches Saturday and Sunday! We're having a date night Saturday and we're going out to dinner and to see a movie and sunday we always order pizza so we'll probably do that. I really want to start making healthier meals, but for now this is better then fast food at least! And it'll get me in the habit of cooking more! I've heard about frozen meal plans where you spend 1 day cooking and end up with 30 frozen meals! I'm going to look into that!
The second goal was to clean up the kitchen EVERY night after dinner. More times then not the dishes sit in the sink until the next day and the counters don't get wiped down. So I'm making an effort to load and run the dishwasher, wipe the stove off (if we used it), wipe the counters and put everything away. We have a big counter on one side of our kitchen that is open to the dinning room and we have barstools on the outside edge, that counter is a mess...we really need to clean it off. It's a catchall for mail, the dogs leash, heck there's even some tools on it right now I think! We need to clean it up, but it's not dirty or anything, just messy. But I have been doing really good with this goal too! It's so nice waking up to a nice clean kitchen!
I'm trying to think of ideas for next weeks goal(s). I want them to be simple enough that I can accomplish easily. I want them to be able to blend into my life easily but help me to accomplish my bigger goals. Once the weather is nicer one will be taking Brody (our pup) on a walk, even if it's a really short one, every day! He HATES going outside right now because its so cold and he's tiny and gets cold really easily!
On a side note, J finally got glasses! He's been thinking that he needed to go to an eye dr for awhile now (he hasn't been in 15+ years because he had perfect vision). He felt like he wasn't seeing as clearly as he used to, and I'm sure it has something to do with staring at a computer screen for around 8 hours a day for work! But anyways he finally made an appointment and went. He picked up his new glasses today and he looks super hot in them! He looks older and more sophisticated!
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Monday, January 16, 2012
So simple, but not
Why is it so easy for some people to get pregnant? My sister got knocked up (unexpectedly) at 21, my nephew was almost 2 when she married his dad, he's now 18 and they've (my sis and her husband) had a VERY rocky relationship. My cousin got his girlfriend pregnant then they got married, they now have 2 perfect boys (both in elementary school) and are happy together. My (other) sister got married at the end in January and was pregnant by march and then got pregnant with her second RIGHT away. They only wanted 2 so my bro-in-law got a vasectomy soon after #2 because my sister gets pregnant "as soon as he looks at her" yep that's what my sis told me. My (much) younger cousin (she was 20) got married at the end on January and her daughter was born in October...yep she got knocked up on her wedding night. Even though they wanted to wait 2 years so she could finish college before having kids. To date they've broken up, gotten back together, almost divorced who knows how many times, I lost count (they are currently, recently, together. Their daughter is 2). My other cousin (previous cousins younger bro) knocked up his girlfriend. Their little boy is 1 and they aren't together. These 2 cousins have an older brother. He's 2 years younger then me and him and his wife "tried" for 2 - 3 months before getting pregnant. They thought that was SO long. Their little boy is now 1, and they are still happily married!
OMG! Why can everyone get knocked up so easily except me?! To my knowledge no one in my family has ever had trouble conceiving. My dads mom had one miscarriage, but successfully had 4 kids. To my knowledge my other grandma never had trouble. My mom never had trouble. My sisters never had trouble. So why me? I know my mother in law had 1 miscarriage before having my husband and he wad an only child. So I guess it was inevitable that someone would have trouble getting pregnant, but why'd it have to be me! I don't know if we'll need help to get pregnant or if it'll just take time, but I do know that it hasn't taken anyone in my family this long for it to happen so what they hell is wrong with me?! I guess time will only tell.
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OMG! Why can everyone get knocked up so easily except me?! To my knowledge no one in my family has ever had trouble conceiving. My dads mom had one miscarriage, but successfully had 4 kids. To my knowledge my other grandma never had trouble. My mom never had trouble. My sisters never had trouble. So why me? I know my mother in law had 1 miscarriage before having my husband and he wad an only child. So I guess it was inevitable that someone would have trouble getting pregnant, but why'd it have to be me! I don't know if we'll need help to get pregnant or if it'll just take time, but I do know that it hasn't taken anyone in my family this long for it to happen so what they hell is wrong with me?! I guess time will only tell.
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2012 goals
I'm not doing so great on my 2012 goals. Working out and eating healthier, haha, not even close.
Although I am working on being more positive. This mainly has to do with work. Works been tough the past few months. In august our store manager got promoted (awesome for him, not so awesome for us). Our co-manager became our store manager (store structure is store manager then co-manager(s) then assistant manager(s), department heads, cashiers, part time employees, seasonal employees). He hadn't been with the company for very long and still had a lot to learn. And shortly after that our assistant manager went to CA to help our old manager set up the new stores there. He made one if the department heads an assistant manager but things were still rough. He seemed to be only focused on the project/task at hand and didn't seem to see us as people, just as people to get things done for him. People where overworked and under appreciated. No one was happy and the atmosphere at work was horrible. I got to go to CA to do a store set for most of October and when I got back things where still pretty bad. Our assistant manager came back and things slowly started getting better. Things are now (finally) a lot better. Not perfect but better. Our manager seems to finally be getting the hang of things. Seeing more of the bigger picture and not just the task/project at hand. Everyone seems much happier...except one specific co-worker. Someone I have to work very closely with as we share a department and have to work together daily. She complains constantly and talks about how she's trying to find a new job and can't wait to get out of there. It's so annoying as I'm finally happier with work. And her work is starting to show it. Or I should say her lack of work. And it sucks because I'm the one that has to pick up her slack.
I guess this turned out to be more of a rant about my work situation but it's what's on my mind!
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Although I am working on being more positive. This mainly has to do with work. Works been tough the past few months. In august our store manager got promoted (awesome for him, not so awesome for us). Our co-manager became our store manager (store structure is store manager then co-manager(s) then assistant manager(s), department heads, cashiers, part time employees, seasonal employees). He hadn't been with the company for very long and still had a lot to learn. And shortly after that our assistant manager went to CA to help our old manager set up the new stores there. He made one if the department heads an assistant manager but things were still rough. He seemed to be only focused on the project/task at hand and didn't seem to see us as people, just as people to get things done for him. People where overworked and under appreciated. No one was happy and the atmosphere at work was horrible. I got to go to CA to do a store set for most of October and when I got back things where still pretty bad. Our assistant manager came back and things slowly started getting better. Things are now (finally) a lot better. Not perfect but better. Our manager seems to finally be getting the hang of things. Seeing more of the bigger picture and not just the task/project at hand. Everyone seems much happier...except one specific co-worker. Someone I have to work very closely with as we share a department and have to work together daily. She complains constantly and talks about how she's trying to find a new job and can't wait to get out of there. It's so annoying as I'm finally happier with work. And her work is starting to show it. Or I should say her lack of work. And it sucks because I'm the one that has to pick up her slack.
I guess this turned out to be more of a rant about my work situation but it's what's on my mind!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
So today I got out my new silhouette cameo and starting playing with it. I'm learning how to use it. I was working with what I already had. Didn't really have a particular project to do. First I decided to make some valentines day blocks, I had wanted to make Christmas ones but never got around to it. Here they are!

I think they turned out super cute! Especially for my first project using my cameo!
Next up was testing out heat transfer! I had ordered some heat transfer material, pink and black, and tried it out. I seriously need a baby girl!!! Turned out SO cute! It's on a onsie I already had, but I plan on making a tshirt one for my cousin's little girl whose 2. I now want to order heat transfer material in EVERY color! And its SO easy!!! OMG the things I can create with this stuff!!! My mind is spinning with ideas!

Here are a few other things...I was working with stuff I already had and just playing around to see what this baby can do...
Another onesie:

Fabric on a towel:

Other side of towel:

I love my new baby!!! I can already tell we're gonna be best buds!!!
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I think they turned out super cute! Especially for my first project using my cameo!
Next up was testing out heat transfer! I had ordered some heat transfer material, pink and black, and tried it out. I seriously need a baby girl!!! Turned out SO cute! It's on a onsie I already had, but I plan on making a tshirt one for my cousin's little girl whose 2. I now want to order heat transfer material in EVERY color! And its SO easy!!! OMG the things I can create with this stuff!!! My mind is spinning with ideas!
Here are a few other things...I was working with stuff I already had and just playing around to see what this baby can do...
Another onesie:
Fabric on a towel:
Other side of towel:
I love my new baby!!! I can already tell we're gonna be best buds!!!
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Monday, January 9, 2012
Fur babies
After my post about the crazy cat hoarding dude I feel the need to share some pics of my babies! Just looking through my photos on my phone I see how loved my fur babies are! They are lucky kitties and pup!
Here is Bella. The queen B of our home. Our first pet together

No joke, she's actually sleeping on J's lap like that! She LOVES her daddy!

Once again laying with daddy. If he picks her up like that shell freak, but if it's on her own terms that's how she likes J to hold her.
But she does (occasionally, aka when daddys out of town) love her mama.

Then we (ok, I) thought Bella needed a friend. So we got Lucy
They hated each other at first but learned to love each other!

She's my little gray fur ball! She's tiny (only about 5 pounds, while Bella is about 10) and she's currently laying on the bed by my feet. Bell is up against J's back.

Sisters with daddy:

Then we bought our house and decided we needed a pup. J wanted a big dog but I saw this little guy at a pet store up for adoption and was in love!

This was in the car the day we got him!

Him and the kitties still don't really get along. But we love him!

He's currently in our bed with us, nice and warm and comfy under the covers!

I'm now convinced that our fur babies are super lucky to have us for owners (parents)!
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Here is Bella. The queen B of our home. Our first pet together
No joke, she's actually sleeping on J's lap like that! She LOVES her daddy!
Once again laying with daddy. If he picks her up like that shell freak, but if it's on her own terms that's how she likes J to hold her.
But she does (occasionally, aka when daddys out of town) love her mama.
Then we (ok, I) thought Bella needed a friend. So we got Lucy
They hated each other at first but learned to love each other!
She's my little gray fur ball! She's tiny (only about 5 pounds, while Bella is about 10) and she's currently laying on the bed by my feet. Bell is up against J's back.
Sisters with daddy:
Then we bought our house and decided we needed a pup. J wanted a big dog but I saw this little guy at a pet store up for adoption and was in love!
This was in the car the day we got him!
Him and the kitties still don't really get along. But we love him!
He's currently in our bed with us, nice and warm and comfy under the covers!
I'm now convinced that our fur babies are super lucky to have us for owners (parents)!
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Wow...I'm on a (emotional) roll
Now I'm watching some hoarding show on A and E. This guy has 30+ cats. His house is disgusting! You see these poor kitties and can tell they aren't healthy. They are SO skinny and SO dirty. And dudes clueless. They are finding dead kittens all over his house! I'm bawling my eyes out watching this. Thankfully my baby (kitty) girls, Bella and Lucy, are laying upstairs cuddling in bed with J. Brody (our pup) is laying here in my lap and just watching this and thinking about my animals being treated like this...I can't even think about it! I just keep petting him and telling him how much I love him. I can't imagine EVER getting to a point where I would let my pup and my kitties suffer like these poor animals. They aren't human, but they are my babies. They might just be pets, but even pets deserve to be treated humanly. If you are going to have animals - you are responsible for them, it is your responsibility to see that they have plenty of food, water and love (and a clean place to live!) Having pets is a responsibility to not be taken lightly. After watching this show I'm going to make sure to give my fur babies some extra love!
I only wish my phone wasn't upstairs so I could take a pic of Brody all snuggled up in a blanket on my lap! Such a sweet pup!
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I only wish my phone wasn't upstairs so I could take a pic of Brody all snuggled up in a blanket on my lap! Such a sweet pup!
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Can we say "emotional"?
Wow. I know that I can be emotional but WHOA! Usually I get really emotional right before my period. But that's over, hello I'm on CD9, and I'm still super emotional. I got mad at J last night for something dumb and slept half the night in the upstairs guest room. Then tonight...
Wait for it...
I cried watching keeping up with the kar.dashians...seriously?!?! What the heck is wrong with me! I'll admit...teen mom usually makes me cry...but time low!
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Wait for it...
I cried watching keeping up with the kar.dashians...seriously?!?! What the heck is wrong with me! I'll admit...teen mom usually makes me cry...but time low!
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You know your old and boring...
...when you're SUPER excited about getting a new vacuum.

Seriously. I'm not kidding. I was giddy with excitement. J ( the hubby) wanted to order it online, I however refused to wait and wanted to pick it up at the store! I'm all about immediate gratification.
Back story on the vacuum situation...
Ours was OLD. It was J's parents old vacuum. I was using it one day and it wasn't working so well. J had JUST changed the bag after using so I checked to make sure he put it on right. It was. I kept on using it and the freakin thing started smoking!!! And it smelled horrible! J came upstairs and quickly took it outside. It then sat in the garage forever. I tried to use our little vacuum that I use on the kitchen floor before I mop it but it doesn't work very well, especially not on carpet. The in-laws and my mom came for the holidays and I explained why our carpet wasn't spot less. My mom wanted to help us buy a new vacuum. I said I'm sure it's something simple, maybe somethings stuck, well figure it out. Fast forward to this weekend. My father in law stayed with us for the weekend. He had business with a client near our town last week and has a conference for work this week in Park City. Well he called sears, where I guess they got the vacuum from a LONG time ago. Well it would cost $80 just for them to look at the vacuum and then maybe even more depending on what needed to he fixed. So the father-in-law asked me what my thoughts on it where. I said well for that much I think it would be better to invest in a new one. He agreed. J was looking at the newest Costco coupon book and saw some vacuums on sale. His dad said he had been planning on paying the $80 to try to get the vacuum fixed so he would pitch in $100 for a new one instead. We still had money from J's bonus in the bank, and after a call to my mom she said she put in $100 too. Costco had $90 instant rebate off of the dyson ball vacuum. The in-laws have a dyson and love it so we decided to buy that one. Freakin expensive vacuum! But it's pretty freakin awesome! I'm super lame and totally love my new purple and gray vacuum! Yay to clean floors.
Now if only I can find the motivation to vacuum our 3 story house.
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Seriously. I'm not kidding. I was giddy with excitement. J ( the hubby) wanted to order it online, I however refused to wait and wanted to pick it up at the store! I'm all about immediate gratification.
Back story on the vacuum situation...
Ours was OLD. It was J's parents old vacuum. I was using it one day and it wasn't working so well. J had JUST changed the bag after using so I checked to make sure he put it on right. It was. I kept on using it and the freakin thing started smoking!!! And it smelled horrible! J came upstairs and quickly took it outside. It then sat in the garage forever. I tried to use our little vacuum that I use on the kitchen floor before I mop it but it doesn't work very well, especially not on carpet. The in-laws and my mom came for the holidays and I explained why our carpet wasn't spot less. My mom wanted to help us buy a new vacuum. I said I'm sure it's something simple, maybe somethings stuck, well figure it out. Fast forward to this weekend. My father in law stayed with us for the weekend. He had business with a client near our town last week and has a conference for work this week in Park City. Well he called sears, where I guess they got the vacuum from a LONG time ago. Well it would cost $80 just for them to look at the vacuum and then maybe even more depending on what needed to he fixed. So the father-in-law asked me what my thoughts on it where. I said well for that much I think it would be better to invest in a new one. He agreed. J was looking at the newest Costco coupon book and saw some vacuums on sale. His dad said he had been planning on paying the $80 to try to get the vacuum fixed so he would pitch in $100 for a new one instead. We still had money from J's bonus in the bank, and after a call to my mom she said she put in $100 too. Costco had $90 instant rebate off of the dyson ball vacuum. The in-laws have a dyson and love it so we decided to buy that one. Freakin expensive vacuum! But it's pretty freakin awesome! I'm super lame and totally love my new purple and gray vacuum! Yay to clean floors.
Now if only I can find the motivation to vacuum our 3 story house.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012
Trying not to try
This month I've decided to "try not to try" in other words I'm not going to TRY to get knocked up this month. Of course it's ALWAYS on my mind but I'm refusing to buy any tests. I don't have ANY ovulation test strips or pregnancy tests in my house and I don't plan on buying any, unless of course my period is late. I know around when I'll ovulate and I'm sure we'll make the most of our "window of opportunity" but I just want to have fun with my hubby! I want to enjoy "it" whenever the mood strikes and not just because it's "time". And my period is like clockwork. EVERY 28 days (27 once) without fail AF rears her ugly head. And without fail I get all hopeful and pee on a stupid stick RIGHT before she comes. I know and expect to only see one single lonely pink line and sure enough I always do, but it still hurts every time.
And we always talked about wanting our baby born in the middle of the year, not to close to the end or beginning of the year. We've always said having a december or January birthday would suck and we (the hubs) would like a June-September baby. I was always ok with march-ish - September, maybe even October. But know I'm ok with any month. I just want a healthy baby. Whenever it's born is up to God. He has a plan and already knows our babies birthday. He knows when we'll conceive. When we'll find out we're expecting. I just have to trust that it's on His plan and it will happen when it's meant to happen.
So this month we'll take it easy, have fun, and (try) not to think about it! If day 28 comes and goes with no AF I'll buy and pee on a stupid stick, but not until CD29. But I won't hold my breath!
Here's to a fun January!
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And we always talked about wanting our baby born in the middle of the year, not to close to the end or beginning of the year. We've always said having a december or January birthday would suck and we (the hubs) would like a June-September baby. I was always ok with march-ish - September, maybe even October. But know I'm ok with any month. I just want a healthy baby. Whenever it's born is up to God. He has a plan and already knows our babies birthday. He knows when we'll conceive. When we'll find out we're expecting. I just have to trust that it's on His plan and it will happen when it's meant to happen.
So this month we'll take it easy, have fun, and (try) not to think about it! If day 28 comes and goes with no AF I'll buy and pee on a stupid stick, but not until CD29. But I won't hold my breath!
Here's to a fun January!
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Monday, January 2, 2012
I'm not big on New Years resolutions. I feel like I always make them and never follow through. But I feel like a new year = a fresh start. And I have goals for this next year, so I decided to make a list of goals for 2012!
Goals for 2012 (in no particular order)
1. Be healthier: eat healthier and be more active
2. Decorate my house. I have so many ideas and can't make up my mind on anything! I need to start with one room at a time and just do it!
3. Keep my house cleaner! It's not that it's dirty, it's just messy! I have stuff everywhere!
4. Organize my craft room! Which will help with #3! It's such a disorganized mess and I need a bigger desk/table in there. I usually take my sewing machine down stairs to the dinning room table because I have more room and Josh hates that! If I get it organized and set up well then I won't have crap everywhere else!
5. Fit into my favorite jeans! And all the other cute clothes I own that don't fit!
6. Be a better wife. I know that #1 and #5 will help with this. I have no confidence and it's affecting "things"
7. Budget our money better. We spend way more then we need to and we need to stop doing that!
8. Pay off some debt! Doing #7 will help with that!
9. Be more positive! I'm usually a "glass half full" person, but lately I feel like I've been in a "glass have empty" funk. I need to change that!
10. Get knocked up! And maybe (wishful thinking) even have a baby in 2012!
11. Go on vacation! We're already in the early thinking/planing stages of going to an all inclusive resort in mexico!
12. Feel confident enough to wear a bathing suit on said vacation!
13. Be a better friend.
14. Make friends here in utah!!!
I'm sure there's more but for now here's my list of goals for 2012!
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Goals for 2012 (in no particular order)
1. Be healthier: eat healthier and be more active
2. Decorate my house. I have so many ideas and can't make up my mind on anything! I need to start with one room at a time and just do it!
3. Keep my house cleaner! It's not that it's dirty, it's just messy! I have stuff everywhere!
4. Organize my craft room! Which will help with #3! It's such a disorganized mess and I need a bigger desk/table in there. I usually take my sewing machine down stairs to the dinning room table because I have more room and Josh hates that! If I get it organized and set up well then I won't have crap everywhere else!
5. Fit into my favorite jeans! And all the other cute clothes I own that don't fit!
6. Be a better wife. I know that #1 and #5 will help with this. I have no confidence and it's affecting "things"
7. Budget our money better. We spend way more then we need to and we need to stop doing that!
8. Pay off some debt! Doing #7 will help with that!
9. Be more positive! I'm usually a "glass half full" person, but lately I feel like I've been in a "glass have empty" funk. I need to change that!
10. Get knocked up! And maybe (wishful thinking) even have a baby in 2012!
11. Go on vacation! We're already in the early thinking/planing stages of going to an all inclusive resort in mexico!
12. Feel confident enough to wear a bathing suit on said vacation!
13. Be a better friend.
14. Make friends here in utah!!!
I'm sure there's more but for now here's my list of goals for 2012!
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Sunday, January 1, 2012
We had a great Christmas! Aside from me having to work a lot leading up to it and Christmas eve. My inlaws got here Thursday night and I met up with them and my hubby after I got of work (@ 10pm). Then on Friday I went to lunch and the grocery store with them before I had to go to work. My mom got here that afternoon. She came straight to my work to see me and I took my lunch and we went and got coffee. I didn't get home from work until after 10pm again. We stayed up late catching up and then I worked on Saturday from 9-6. When I got home we ate. We made Korean BBQ. It was yummy. On Sunday I had planned on making a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, and breakfast potatoes, but everyone slept in pretty late after staying up late the night before so I just made cinnamon rolls and my mom and I had our vacation/holiday fav of baileys Irish cream in our coffee! Josh loved that too! He doesn't usually drink coffee but tasted mine and wanted his own. We opened presents. We got my mom a new iPhone. She had the 3G still and was having issues with it. One of the first things she said to me when she got her was "we really need to figure out this phone situation. I really need a new phone, we need to see if I can get an upgrade or something" (she's on my plan) and I was just like yeah ok, we'll do that while your here! She was shocked and excited on Christmas morning when she opened it! As was I when I opened my big gift that they (my mom, in-laws and hubby) all went in on...

My silhouette cameo!!! I was shocked! I'm in love with it!!! I of course had to get the subscription, which was 20% off at the time! So for $8 a month I get $25 worth of credit for downloads each month!!! My mom and I played around with it a bit on Sunday and ordered some stuff (the markers, heat transfer paper, interfacing) from the website and I can't wait to start making stuff!!! Now that the holidays are over I should have some more time to get my craft on!
We had a honey baked ham, rolls, twice baked potatoes, stuffing, beans, and assorted desserts for dinner. We were just lazy all day. I helped my mom with a photo book she's making on shutterfly from her trip to Guatemala for habitat for humanity and I played with my new cameo and did a bit of sewing! We watched movies that night and drank quite a bit of wine!
I had Monday and Tuesday off to spend time with my mom and on Monday we went up to park city, utah. I love it up there! Such a cute little town and lots of cute unique little shops. We had lunch. My mom and I went in one car and my hubby and in-laws went separate which was great because my mom and I stayed about 2 hours later then them to shop and walk around. On the way home we went to another cute shopping place and then headed home to have left overs for dinner. On Tuesday morning my in-laws headed home and my mom and I went shopping and got manicures and pedicures! Josh BBQ'd ribs for dinner and they were so yummy!
I know my mom was hoping for an announcement and I think my in-laws were too. Unfortunately no announcements were made. It made me really sad, when we stopped preventing in July I thought for sure I'd be pregnant before Christmas. No such luck.

Our Christmas tree and mantel. Notice that there's nothing under our tree, we figured the pup would destroy anything we put under there so we didn't. There is a little blanket I put under there for our kitties, Bella in particular loves the tree and loves to lay under it. She'll be one unhappy kitty when we take the tree down!
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My silhouette cameo!!! I was shocked! I'm in love with it!!! I of course had to get the subscription, which was 20% off at the time! So for $8 a month I get $25 worth of credit for downloads each month!!! My mom and I played around with it a bit on Sunday and ordered some stuff (the markers, heat transfer paper, interfacing) from the website and I can't wait to start making stuff!!! Now that the holidays are over I should have some more time to get my craft on!
We had a honey baked ham, rolls, twice baked potatoes, stuffing, beans, and assorted desserts for dinner. We were just lazy all day. I helped my mom with a photo book she's making on shutterfly from her trip to Guatemala for habitat for humanity and I played with my new cameo and did a bit of sewing! We watched movies that night and drank quite a bit of wine!
I had Monday and Tuesday off to spend time with my mom and on Monday we went up to park city, utah. I love it up there! Such a cute little town and lots of cute unique little shops. We had lunch. My mom and I went in one car and my hubby and in-laws went separate which was great because my mom and I stayed about 2 hours later then them to shop and walk around. On the way home we went to another cute shopping place and then headed home to have left overs for dinner. On Tuesday morning my in-laws headed home and my mom and I went shopping and got manicures and pedicures! Josh BBQ'd ribs for dinner and they were so yummy!
I know my mom was hoping for an announcement and I think my in-laws were too. Unfortunately no announcements were made. It made me really sad, when we stopped preventing in July I thought for sure I'd be pregnant before Christmas. No such luck.
Our Christmas tree and mantel. Notice that there's nothing under our tree, we figured the pup would destroy anything we put under there so we didn't. There is a little blanket I put under there for our kitties, Bella in particular loves the tree and loves to lay under it. She'll be one unhappy kitty when we take the tree down!
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I saw this on a blog decided to do it
Twenty-Six (OR A-Z of Me, as some are calling it...)
1. Age: 28
2. Blog Title Inspiration: Wishful thinking maybe? Lol. Even though things aren't/won't always be easy were together and in love and we'll make it through. No fairytale is complete without some struggles, we're just living our fairytale
3. Chore You Hate: Cleaning the cat litter boxes. Folding laundry
4. Day at the Beach or Cozy Rainy Day? I love both, but it's been too long since I've been to the beach!
5. Essential Start Your Day Item: coffee!
6. Favorite Color: pink
7. Gold or Silver? Silver
8. Height: 5'7''
9. Instruments You Play: None. I have no musical talent whatsoever
10.Job Title: Home accents department head
11. Kids: none yet...working on changing that!
12. Live: in Utah! Home will always be southern California though
13. Mom's Name: Mary or Cathy depending on who you ask. Her middle name is Mary Catherine and she grew up being called Cathy by her family, but in school and by her friends she's always been called mary
14. Book Currently on Your Nightstand: None. But I have a bunch in my kindle app on my iPad! Including The Hunger Games books, Blue bloods, what to expect before your expecting, the love dare, all the true blood books and more!
15. Nicknames: don't really have any.
16. Overnight Hospital Stays? A lot when I was between like 6 and 11. I was really sick a lot with stomach issues and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. It turned out to be something that was easily treated with medication and some diet changes.
17. Pet Peeve: Stupid and rude people
18. Quote from a Movie: the one coming to mind right now is "no one puts baby in the corner"
19. Right or Left Handed? Right.
20. Siblings: 2 older half sisters and 1 younger brother
21. Time You Wake Up? Depends on the day and what time I have to be at work
22. Underwear: days-thongs, to sleep in boy short style
23. Vegetable You Dislike: most of them
24. What Makes You Run Late: I'm pretty much always early!
25. Yummy Food You Make: twice baked potatoes, spaghetti, baked ziti type pasta, chicken tacos and there's more I can't think of right now
26. Zoo, Favorite Animal: baby monkeys
If you had fun reading along, please go ahead and do one for yourself! It was a good time and I'm sure you'll feel the same way...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Twenty-Six (OR A-Z of Me, as some are calling it...)
1. Age: 28
2. Blog Title Inspiration: Wishful thinking maybe? Lol. Even though things aren't/won't always be easy were together and in love and we'll make it through. No fairytale is complete without some struggles, we're just living our fairytale
3. Chore You Hate: Cleaning the cat litter boxes. Folding laundry
4. Day at the Beach or Cozy Rainy Day? I love both, but it's been too long since I've been to the beach!
5. Essential Start Your Day Item: coffee!
6. Favorite Color: pink
7. Gold or Silver? Silver
8. Height: 5'7''
9. Instruments You Play: None. I have no musical talent whatsoever
10.Job Title: Home accents department head
11. Kids: none yet...working on changing that!
12. Live: in Utah! Home will always be southern California though
13. Mom's Name: Mary or Cathy depending on who you ask. Her middle name is Mary Catherine and she grew up being called Cathy by her family, but in school and by her friends she's always been called mary
14. Book Currently on Your Nightstand: None. But I have a bunch in my kindle app on my iPad! Including The Hunger Games books, Blue bloods, what to expect before your expecting, the love dare, all the true blood books and more!
15. Nicknames: don't really have any.
16. Overnight Hospital Stays? A lot when I was between like 6 and 11. I was really sick a lot with stomach issues and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. It turned out to be something that was easily treated with medication and some diet changes.
17. Pet Peeve: Stupid and rude people
18. Quote from a Movie: the one coming to mind right now is "no one puts baby in the corner"
19. Right or Left Handed? Right.
20. Siblings: 2 older half sisters and 1 younger brother
21. Time You Wake Up? Depends on the day and what time I have to be at work
22. Underwear: days-thongs, to sleep in boy short style
23. Vegetable You Dislike: most of them
24. What Makes You Run Late: I'm pretty much always early!
25. Yummy Food You Make: twice baked potatoes, spaghetti, baked ziti type pasta, chicken tacos and there's more I can't think of right now
26. Zoo, Favorite Animal: baby monkeys
If you had fun reading along, please go ahead and do one for yourself! It was a good time and I'm sure you'll feel the same way...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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