Monday, January 2, 2012


I'm not big on New Years resolutions. I feel like I always make them and never follow through. But I feel like a new year = a fresh start. And I have goals for this next year, so I decided to make a list of goals for 2012!

Goals for 2012 (in no particular order)

1. Be healthier: eat healthier and be more active
2. Decorate my house. I have so many ideas and can't make up my mind on anything! I need to start with one room at a time and just do it!
3. Keep my house cleaner! It's not that it's dirty, it's just messy! I have stuff everywhere!
4. Organize my craft room! Which will help with #3! It's such a disorganized mess and I need a bigger desk/table in there. I usually take my sewing machine down stairs to the dinning room table because I have more room and Josh hates that! If I get it organized and set up well then I won't have crap everywhere else!
5. Fit into my favorite jeans! And all the other cute clothes I own that don't fit!
6. Be a better wife. I know that #1 and #5 will help with this. I have no confidence and it's affecting "things"
7. Budget our money better. We spend way more then we need to and we need to stop doing that!
8. Pay off some debt! Doing #7 will help with that!
9. Be more positive! I'm usually a "glass half full" person, but lately I feel like I've been in a "glass have empty" funk. I need to change that!
10. Get knocked up! And maybe (wishful thinking) even have a baby in 2012!
11. Go on vacation! We're already in the early thinking/planing stages of going to an all inclusive resort in mexico!
12. Feel confident enough to wear a bathing suit on said vacation!
13. Be a better friend.
14. Make friends here in utah!!!

I'm sure there's more but for now here's my list of goals for 2012!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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