Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 goals

I'm not doing so great on my 2012 goals. Working out and eating healthier, haha, not even close.

Although I am working on being more positive. This mainly has to do with work. Works been tough the past few months. In august our store manager got promoted (awesome for him, not so awesome for us). Our co-manager became our store manager (store structure is store manager then co-manager(s) then assistant manager(s), department heads, cashiers, part time employees, seasonal employees). He hadn't been with the company for very long and still had a lot to learn. And shortly after that our assistant manager went to CA to help our old manager set up the new stores there. He made one if the department heads an assistant manager but things were still rough. He seemed to be only focused on the project/task at hand and didn't seem to see us as people, just as people to get things done for him. People where overworked and under appreciated. No one was happy and the atmosphere at work was horrible. I got to go to CA to do a store set for most of October and when I got back things where still pretty bad. Our assistant manager came back and things slowly started getting better. Things are now (finally) a lot better. Not perfect but better. Our manager seems to finally be getting the hang of things. Seeing more of the bigger picture and not just the task/project at hand. Everyone seems much happier...except one specific co-worker. Someone I have to work very closely with as we share a department and have to work together daily. She complains constantly and talks about how she's trying to find a new job and can't wait to get out of there. It's so annoying as I'm finally happier with work. And her work is starting to show it. Or I should say her lack of work. And it sucks because I'm the one that has to pick up her slack.

I guess this turned out to be more of a rant about my work situation but it's what's on my mind!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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