Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Small steps

For my 2012 goals I have decided to make small weekly goals (1-2 each week) and try to make them habits which in turn will help me achieve my larger goals for this year!

This week I decided that we need to stop eating fast food (last week was really bad and we had fast food almost every single night for dinner). This will help me eat healthier and help is save money! I went to the grocery store after work on Monday with this idea in mind. Ive taken sandwiches to work for lunch and have made J one too for his lunch! Monday we had chicken tacos for dinner, Tuesday we had sloppy joes, tonight we had spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread, tomorrow we'll have left over chicken tacos, and Friday we'll have left over spaghetti! I also got burgers to BBQ this weekend for lunches Saturday and Sunday! We're having a date night Saturday and we're going out to dinner and to see a movie and sunday we always order pizza so we'll probably do that. I really want to start making healthier meals, but for now this is better then fast food at least! And it'll get me in the habit of cooking more! I've heard about frozen meal plans where you spend 1 day cooking and end up with 30 frozen meals! I'm going to look into that!

The second goal was to clean up the kitchen EVERY night after dinner. More times then not the dishes sit in the sink until the next day and the counters don't get wiped down. So I'm making an effort to load and run the dishwasher, wipe the stove off (if we used it), wipe the counters and put everything away. We have a big counter on one side of our kitchen that is open to the dinning room and we have barstools on the outside edge, that counter is a mess...we really need to clean it off. It's a catchall for mail, the dogs leash, heck there's even some tools on it right now I think! We need to clean it up, but it's not dirty or anything, just messy. But I have been doing really good with this goal too! It's so nice waking up to a nice clean kitchen!

I'm trying to think of ideas for next weeks goal(s). I want them to be simple enough that I can accomplish easily. I want them to be able to blend into my life easily but help me to accomplish my bigger goals. Once the weather is nicer one will be taking Brody (our pup) on a walk, even if it's a really short one, every day! He HATES going outside right now because its so cold and he's tiny and gets cold really easily!

On a side note, J finally got glasses! He's been thinking that he needed to go to an eye dr for awhile now (he hasn't been in 15+ years because he had perfect vision). He felt like he wasn't seeing as clearly as he used to, and I'm sure it has something to do with staring at a computer screen for around 8 hours a day for work! But anyways he finally made an appointment and went. He picked up his new glasses today and he looks super hot in them! He looks older and more sophisticated!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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