Sunday, January 1, 2012


I saw this on a blog decided to do it

Twenty-Six (OR A-Z of Me, as some are calling it...)

1. Age: 28

2. Blog Title Inspiration: Wishful thinking maybe? Lol. Even though things aren't/won't always be easy were together and in love and we'll make it through. No fairytale is complete without some struggles, we're just living our fairytale

3. Chore You Hate: Cleaning the cat litter boxes. Folding laundry

4. Day at the Beach or Cozy Rainy Day? I love both, but it's been too long since I've been to the beach!

5. Essential Start Your Day Item: coffee!

6. Favorite Color: pink

7. Gold or Silver? Silver

8. Height: 5'7''

9. Instruments You Play: None. I have no musical talent whatsoever

10.Job Title: Home accents department head

11. Kids: none yet...working on changing that!

12. Live: in Utah! Home will always be southern California though

13. Mom's Name: Mary or Cathy depending on who you ask. Her middle name is Mary Catherine and she grew up being called Cathy by her family, but in school and by her friends she's always been called mary

14. Book Currently on Your Nightstand: None. But I have a bunch in my kindle app on my iPad! Including The Hunger Games books, Blue bloods, what to expect before your expecting, the love dare, all the true blood books and more!

15. Nicknames: don't really have any.

16. Overnight Hospital Stays? A lot when I was between like 6 and 11. I was really sick a lot with stomach issues and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. It turned out to be something that was easily treated with medication and some diet changes.

17. Pet Peeve: Stupid and rude people

18. Quote from a Movie: the one coming to mind right now is "no one puts baby in the corner"

19. Right or Left Handed? Right.

20. Siblings: 2 older half sisters and 1 younger brother

21. Time You Wake Up? Depends on the day and what time I have to be at work

22. Underwear: days-thongs, to sleep in boy short style

23. Vegetable You Dislike: most of them

24. What Makes You Run Late: I'm pretty much always early!

25. Yummy Food You Make: twice baked potatoes, spaghetti, baked ziti type pasta, chicken tacos and there's more I can't think of right now

26. Zoo, Favorite Animal: baby monkeys

If you had fun reading along, please go ahead and do one for yourself! It was a good time and I'm sure you'll feel the same way...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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