Monday, January 9, 2012

Wow...I'm on a (emotional) roll

Now I'm watching some hoarding show on A and E. This guy has 30+ cats. His house is disgusting! You see these poor kitties and can tell they aren't healthy. They are SO skinny and SO dirty. And dudes clueless. They are finding dead kittens all over his house! I'm bawling my eyes out watching this. Thankfully my baby (kitty) girls, Bella and Lucy, are laying upstairs cuddling in bed with J. Brody (our pup) is laying here in my lap and just watching this and thinking about my animals being treated like this...I can't even think about it! I just keep petting him and telling him how much I love him. I can't imagine EVER getting to a point where I would let my pup and my kitties suffer like these poor animals. They aren't human, but they are my babies. They might just be pets, but even pets deserve to be treated humanly. If you are going to have animals - you are responsible for them, it is your responsibility to see that they have plenty of food, water and love (and a clean place to live!) Having pets is a responsibility to not be taken lightly. After watching this show I'm going to make sure to give my fur babies some extra love!

I only wish my phone wasn't upstairs so I could take a pic of Brody all snuggled up in a blanket on my lap! Such a sweet pup!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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