Sunday, January 1, 2012


We had a great Christmas! Aside from me having to work a lot leading up to it and Christmas eve. My inlaws got here Thursday night and I met up with them and my hubby after I got of work (@ 10pm). Then on Friday I went to lunch and the grocery store with them before I had to go to work. My mom got here that afternoon. She came straight to my work to see me and I took my lunch and we went and got coffee. I didn't get home from work until after 10pm again. We stayed up late catching up and then I worked on Saturday from 9-6. When I got home we ate. We made Korean BBQ. It was yummy. On Sunday I had planned on making a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, and breakfast potatoes, but everyone slept in pretty late after staying up late the night before so I just made cinnamon rolls and my mom and I had our vacation/holiday fav of baileys Irish cream in our coffee! Josh loved that too! He doesn't usually drink coffee but tasted mine and wanted his own. We opened presents. We got my mom a new iPhone. She had the 3G still and was having issues with it. One of the first things she said to me when she got her was "we really need to figure out this phone situation. I really need a new phone, we need to see if I can get an upgrade or something" (she's on my plan) and I was just like yeah ok, we'll do that while your here! She was shocked and excited on Christmas morning when she opened it! As was I when I opened my big gift that they (my mom, in-laws and hubby) all went in on...

My silhouette cameo!!! I was shocked! I'm in love with it!!! I of course had to get the subscription, which was 20% off at the time! So for $8 a month I get $25 worth of credit for downloads each month!!! My mom and I played around with it a bit on Sunday and ordered some stuff (the markers, heat transfer paper, interfacing) from the website and I can't wait to start making stuff!!! Now that the holidays are over I should have some more time to get my craft on!

We had a honey baked ham, rolls, twice baked potatoes, stuffing, beans, and assorted desserts for dinner. We were just lazy all day. I helped my mom with a photo book she's making on shutterfly from her trip to Guatemala for habitat for humanity and I played with my new cameo and did a bit of sewing! We watched movies that night and drank quite a bit of wine!

I had Monday and Tuesday off to spend time with my mom and on Monday we went up to park city, utah. I love it up there! Such a cute little town and lots of cute unique little shops. We had lunch. My mom and I went in one car and my hubby and in-laws went separate which was great because my mom and I stayed about 2 hours later then them to shop and walk around. On the way home we went to another cute shopping place and then headed home to have left overs for dinner. On Tuesday morning my in-laws headed home and my mom and I went shopping and got manicures and pedicures! Josh BBQ'd ribs for dinner and they were so yummy!

I know my mom was hoping for an announcement and I think my in-laws were too. Unfortunately no announcements were made. It made me really sad, when we stopped preventing in July I thought for sure I'd be pregnant before Christmas. No such luck.

Our Christmas tree and mantel. Notice that there's nothing under our tree, we figured the pup would destroy anything we put under there so we didn't. There is a little blanket I put under there for our kitties, Bella in particular loves the tree and loves to lay under it. She'll be one unhappy kitty when we take the tree down!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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