Saturday, January 7, 2012

Trying not to try

This month I've decided to "try not to try" in other words I'm not going to TRY to get knocked up this month. Of course it's ALWAYS on my mind but I'm refusing to buy any tests. I don't have ANY ovulation test strips or pregnancy tests in my house and I don't plan on buying any, unless of course my period is late. I know around when I'll ovulate and I'm sure we'll make the most of our "window of opportunity" but I just want to have fun with my hubby! I want to enjoy "it" whenever the mood strikes and not just because it's "time". And my period is like clockwork. EVERY 28 days (27 once) without fail AF rears her ugly head. And without fail I get all hopeful and pee on a stupid stick RIGHT before she comes. I know and expect to only see one single lonely pink line and sure enough I always do, but it still hurts every time.

And we always talked about wanting our baby born in the middle of the year, not to close to the end or beginning of the year. We've always said having a december or January birthday would suck and we (the hubs) would like a June-September baby. I was always ok with march-ish - September, maybe even October. But know I'm ok with any month. I just want a healthy baby. Whenever it's born is up to God. He has a plan and already knows our babies birthday. He knows when we'll conceive. When we'll find out we're expecting. I just have to trust that it's on His plan and it will happen when it's meant to happen.

So this month we'll take it easy, have fun, and (try) not to think about it! If day 28 comes and goes with no AF I'll buy and pee on a stupid stick, but not until CD29. But I won't hold my breath!

Here's to a fun January!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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