Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So this week isn't even over yet, but I'm going to call it a major fail as far as my goals go. There's been a nasty cold going around work and it finally caught up to me. So I've felt crappy since Saturday. I've had no energy so working out, even the simple 10 minutes a day hasn't happened. Ive still been taking healthier lunches to work, but dinners haven't been very healthy, today I got panda express on my way home from work for dinner. Ugh so annoying, I hate making excuses for not working out and not eating healthy and not losing weight, but I guess at least being sick and feeling like crap is an reasonable excuse. But I'm determined to make it happen. To lose weight, be happier with myself, look better, feel better, fit into my clothes again. I have Friday off so I plan on making a meal plan between now and than and going grocery shopping on Friday. I'm going to focus on my diet and fit in excersice when I can, but I'm determined! I know I can do it. I've done it before. Eating super healthy for awhile might be hard, but the rsults will be so worth it. And really only the first week or so will be hard, after that I'll get used to eating less and I won't crave the crap I usually eat as much. But the first week will be hard. I just need to stick with it. I can and I will do this!!! And I need to do this before I get pregnant. I know it will make for a healthier pregnancy if I lose the extra weight I'm carrying around. I hate being in pictures now because if how I look and I really want to document my future pregnancy, so I want to be happier with myself going into it. I also want to have a cute baby bump, not just look fat when I am pregnant.

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