Monday, January 16, 2012

So simple, but not

Why is it so easy for some people to get pregnant? My sister got knocked up (unexpectedly) at 21, my nephew was almost 2 when she married his dad, he's now 18 and they've (my sis and her husband) had a VERY rocky relationship. My cousin got his girlfriend pregnant then they got married, they now have 2 perfect boys (both in elementary school) and are happy together. My (other) sister got married at the end in January and was pregnant by march and then got pregnant with her second RIGHT away. They only wanted 2 so my bro-in-law got a vasectomy soon after #2 because my sister gets pregnant "as soon as he looks at her" yep that's what my sis told me. My (much) younger cousin (she was 20) got married at the end on January and her daughter was born in October...yep she got knocked up on her wedding night. Even though they wanted to wait 2 years so she could finish college before having kids. To date they've broken up, gotten back together, almost divorced who knows how many times, I lost count (they are currently, recently, together. Their daughter is 2). My other cousin (previous cousins younger bro) knocked up his girlfriend. Their little boy is 1 and they aren't together. These 2 cousins have an older brother. He's 2 years younger then me and him and his wife "tried" for 2 - 3 months before getting pregnant. They thought that was SO long. Their little boy is now 1, and they are still happily married!

OMG! Why can everyone get knocked up so easily except me?! To my knowledge no one in my family has ever had trouble conceiving. My dads mom had one miscarriage, but successfully had 4 kids. To my knowledge my other grandma never had trouble. My mom never had trouble. My sisters never had trouble. So why me? I know my mother in law had 1 miscarriage before having my husband and he wad an only child. So I guess it was inevitable that someone would have trouble getting pregnant, but why'd it have to be me! I don't know if we'll need help to get pregnant or if it'll just take time, but I do know that it hasn't taken anyone in my family this long for it to happen so what they hell is wrong with me?! I guess time will only tell.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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