Monday, January 9, 2012

You know your old and boring...

...when you're SUPER excited about getting a new vacuum.

Seriously. I'm not kidding. I was giddy with excitement. J ( the hubby) wanted to order it online, I however refused to wait and wanted to pick it up at the store! I'm all about immediate gratification.

Back story on the vacuum situation...
Ours was OLD. It was J's parents old vacuum. I was using it one day and it wasn't working so well. J had JUST changed the bag after using so I checked to make sure he put it on right. It was. I kept on using it and the freakin thing started smoking!!! And it smelled horrible! J came upstairs and quickly took it outside. It then sat in the garage forever. I tried to use our little vacuum that I use on the kitchen floor before I mop it but it doesn't work very well, especially not on carpet. The in-laws and my mom came for the holidays and I explained why our carpet wasn't spot less. My mom wanted to help us buy a new vacuum. I said I'm sure it's something simple, maybe somethings stuck, well figure it out. Fast forward to this weekend. My father in law stayed with us for the weekend. He had business with a client near our town last week and has a conference for work this week in Park City. Well he called sears, where I guess they got the vacuum from a LONG time ago. Well it would cost $80 just for them to look at the vacuum and then maybe even more depending on what needed to he fixed. So the father-in-law asked me what my thoughts on it where. I said well for that much I think it would be better to invest in a new one. He agreed. J was looking at the newest Costco coupon book and saw some vacuums on sale. His dad said he had been planning on paying the $80 to try to get the vacuum fixed so he would pitch in $100 for a new one instead. We still had money from J's bonus in the bank, and after a call to my mom she said she put in $100 too. Costco had $90 instant rebate off of the dyson ball vacuum. The in-laws have a dyson and love it so we decided to buy that one. Freakin expensive vacuum! But it's pretty freakin awesome! I'm super lame and totally love my new purple and gray vacuum! Yay to clean floors.

Now if only I can find the motivation to vacuum our 3 story house.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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