Sunday, December 30, 2012

4 weeks!

I took another digital test on Saturday night. I was going to do it on Sunday morning, but I couldn't wait. I might use the last digital test on Wednesday morning before I go in for the blood draw, but at this point I pretty much don't doubt that I'm pregnant. I mean there's still a very small fear that maybe the blood test will say that I'm not, or that it could be a chemical pregnancy, or something else could go wrong, but for the most part I'm sure. I'm officially late. AF should have arrived today at the latest. And I usually have spotting anywhere from a few days to a week before AF and I didn't have any sorting this cycle. I also feel different. My sense if smell is crazy! I can see it becoming an issue if I get morning sickness. Everything smells stronger and I can smell things I never noticed before. I also have to pee all the time. I thought that wouldn't come until later in pregnancy, but I was wrong. And sometimes I have to pee so bad and then I go and I barley pee! It's annoying! I've also been feeling a little crampy, but different then period cramps. And my boobs feel huge! And I feel bloated.

As soon as I got the positive test I went to the store and bought some healthier food. I try to eat decently, but I have to admit overall our eating habits aren't so great (which is a contributing factor to me gaining 50 pounds since we got married) so I've been really trying to eat healthier. I think about it before I eat it an I want to eat as healthy as I can for myself and for the baby. I'm trying to make sure I eat breakfast (which I don't usually do) and trying to eat smaller meals with healthy snacks in between.

During the past year I got really down about not getting pregnant. I wasn't happy. And when I'm not happy I gain weight. Food soothes me, makes me feel better. So it seemed like I was never full. I was always thinking about my next meal, what yummy thing I could eat. It was a real struggle. I knew I was gaining weight and I tried diets and working out, but being unhappy was holding me back from losing weight. Well now I'm happy! And my eating has already changed. I try to make healthy choices, and I stop eating before I get too full. Today we went out to eat and I ordered a chicken wrap and fries. We shared a chip and dip appetizer. Normally I would have finished everything and had a few beers, today I ate 1/2 of the wrap, and not even 1/2 of the fries. And I was full. It was food I normally would have loved, but it was just ok. I figure that I need to eat as healthy as I can when I can because if I get morning sickness, food aversions, or cravings later on at least I will have done what I can now. Does that make sense. I'm definitely not taking the whole "I'm pregnant, eating for 2, I can eat whatever I want" approach. I'm already over weight so I need to do whatever I can to keep my weight under control and only gain a healthy, necessary amount of weight.

I can't wait till Wednesday for the blood test! And I'm hoping they can give me some referrals for ob-gyns. And then I need to make an ob-gyn appointment!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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