Friday, December 7, 2012

Officially on fertility treatments

Even though I had my consult last weeks, it still didn't feel real. It felt a little more real yesterday after a second ultrasound and blood work. I have a bruise on my arm from where they took blood and I kept looking at it last night at work and thinking, this is real, we're really doing this. It still didn't feel really real. My hubby picked up my clomid prescription and brought it to me at work. He was very concerned with me taking it at the same time everyday and I had to work late last night and I usually go to bed earlier on the nights I don't work late so he thought I should take it at work to make sure I'll take it at the same time everyday. So I took my first clomid at 8:00 pm last night. That little white pill feels like such a big deal! It's real. We're doing this. This cycle WILL be different and hopefully will have a different outcome!

And I'd by lying if I said this little part on the info sheet makes me a little giddy :

Using this may result in multiple pregnancy...I've always thought I'd have twins and so has my family. It's been a joke in my family for as long as I can remember with my mom and grandma coming up with matching rhyming names for my future twin girls! So how funny would that be! Don't get me wrong though I will be BEYOND thrilled to get just one baby, twins would just be a bonus! A funny one because of this family joke!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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