Thursday, December 13, 2012

Melt down

I have officially had my first melt down of this cycle. Everything has been going so well, so smoothly with arranging appointments around my work schedule. We schedule out follie check for tomorrow afternoon a week ago and I asked my manager if I could leave an hour early to make sure I could get there on time and he was fine with it. I wasn't planning on telling him what's going on, but he was all is it really important (it is the holidays after all, and I work retail) and I said yes it's for a doctors appointment and he looked at me funny and asked if I'm pregnant (since 2 other girls at work are preggo right now) and I said not yet, but were trying. And then started telling me about his sister and brother in law and how they went through 5 years of treatments and they just had twins and good luck to us blah blah blah. I was kinda shocked by his reaction. He's a very distant person kinda a jerk so this was so unlike him. Anyways, he said it was fine.

So then I got off work yesterday and josh told me that the clinic called and left a message (on our home phone) saying that our dr wouldn't be at the Murray office so we either needed to reschedule or go to pleasant grove for the appointment. (Their Murray office is closer to us). It was too late to call them by the time I got home so I called them this morning and the girl was like well you can come to pleasant grove at 11:30 am. Um no I can't. I told her I can't because of work. So then she puts me on hold forever and comes back and says I can come at 3:15. I said I can't be there by then. I'm already leaving work an hour early at 3 to get there at 4:30, the earliest I could be there is 4. Her response well sorry but were just really busy we can't do that. I was about to fall apart and was holding back tears and just said "I'll have to call back" and hung up and just burst into tears. Josh was so mad. He came in and got the number and then went into the other room and called them back. He pretty much told them that this is our 1 shot. We aren't going to be able to do this again she wanted us to have the follie check tomorrow, we made an appointment a week ago, we arranged our schedules to be able to be there so they have to fit us in. We have an appointment at 4:15 tomorrow. Thank god for my hubby! I don't even think the girl on the phone was even listening to me when I talked to her because josh said something when he talked to her like "she never said anything about 5. We could be there anytime after 4" she must have thought I said 5 no...maybe you should listen bitch! Sorry but I'm pissed. I'm pretty sure we were dealing with the PG office, the ladies at the Murray office are SO much better! They are nicer and friendly. Too bad they can only do monitoring and blood work type stuff there. I'm going to have to take those ladies a little goodie basket!

Wow. I don't know if its the clomid, stress, or what but I am an emotional mess! I gotta go get my shit together so I can leave for work in 30 mins.

I'm just hoping and praying that my follies are perfect size to trigger tomorrow! Especially now so I can be all "see bitch! I really needed to come in today! You could have ruined our IUI!" I won't really say that to anyone but I sure as hell will be thinking it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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