Sunday, December 9, 2012


I love cute socks...but I only have a few pairs and I barley ever wear them. I'm on my feet running around all day at work so I love champion brand sport style socks, they are comfy and hold up well. I like taller socks to wear with boots and warm fuzzy comfy socks (that I wouldn't wear with shoes) at home, especially during the winter! But when I do happen to wear cute socks I can't help but smile and feel happy! I'll catch a glimpse at them throughout the day and smile. It just make some feel good. So naturally when I went to my RE consult, I knew I'd be getting an ultrasound so I didn't want to wear boots, I wore a pair of gray socks with bright pink polka dots! As soon as I opened my sock drawer and saw them I knew I had to wear them! They made me happy and they made me smile. I wore them with grey flats that I never wear and I could see a small bit of them peaking out between the shoe and where my jeans hit and it might have looked kinda silly but it made me happy. At my appointment I thought "good luck socks" not necessarily the actual pair of socks, but I thought that wearing cute socks that make me happy might bring good luck, at least positive energy on my part! So at my cd3 appointment I wore a different pair of cute socks! And tonight at target I bought a super cute gray, black, and pink pair with an argyle pattern! I can't wait to wear them on Tuesday to my HSG!

It might be silly, but I like my happy socks!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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