Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas! We had a really nice day today! My mom and I got up and watched TV for a little bit before my in laws got here from the hotel they are staying at nearby. Then I made a little snack of pigs on a blanket (mini hotdogs wrapped in crescent rolls) and tater tots, its one of Josh's favorite snack food and what he wanted. Then we opened presents. Josh loved the electronic dart board I got him and he got me this huge bookcase from ikea that I've been wanting for my craft room (and eventually it'll be perfect in a babies room or playroom). Then I made dinner. I made a ham, baked potato casserole, rolls, stuffing, and a salad. I had green beans to make but forgot. Oh well. We all ate way too much and have tons of leftovers. Everyone was so thankful for the meal and the fact that I cooked it (neither my mom or my mother in law cook at all).

The downside...I got a negative this morning, which isn't really surprised seeing how early it is, only 9dpiui, but still disappointing. And now I've convinced myself that it didn't work. That I'm not pregnant. I just want it so bad and I know if I get my hopes up even the slightest bit that I'm going to be SO disappointed, devastated really when I find out I'm not preggo. So I'm trying to be logical I guess and prepare myself for the worst. I still have a little hope that maybe, just maybe, I'm pregnant. I'm torn between continuing to test and just waiting a few days before I test again. It's not like I have a lack of tests, I've ordered OPKs twice and they came with 10 pregnancy tests each time and I have a box of 3 clear blue easy digital tests. I really really really want to be able to take one of those and see "pregnant" appear across the screen. Like so bad.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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