Saturday, December 15, 2012

The good and the bad

I had my follie check yesterday afternoon and I was hoping and praying that things would be ready to do the IUI on Sunday. So we got to the Pleasant Grove (PG) clinic and a nurse took me into a room and she did the ultrasound. The first ovary (i cant remember which side) she looked at she said I had 2 follicles that weren't quite ready then she looked at the other one and while she was looking we were saying that we were hoping to do the IUI on Sunday, when she looked at the first side she didn't seem positive that would happen because the follies weren't quite ready yet, so then she looks at the other one and I have 2 mature follies! So on one side I have two mature and on the other I have two almost then the nurse seemed a little unsure if doing the IUI. I think because the 2 that aren't mature are pretty close to being mature. So there could be a chance of 4 mature follies at the time of the she told me to get dressed and we'd talk to my dr to see what she thinks. She also said that my lining was a little thinner then they would like but that's easy to fix with a medicine. She gave me a prescription for estrace, which is a little blue/green pill that you "insert vaginally twice daily for 5 days" wonderful right. And that god she warned makes you have blue bright blue, I would have freaked out if she hadn't told me! That's a color I never imagined I'd have leak out of me! Anyways back to the appointment. So I put my undies and pants back on and went out and she was talking to my dr. My dr was like wow, you responded really well to the clomid! So after looking at the sizes of the follies and everything she thinks it's perfectly fine to go ahead and do the IUI on Sunday!!! Yay!!! I was so freaking excited I grabbed Josh's arm and was practically jumping up and down. So then I brought up that we turned in Josh's stuff on Tuesday for the SA and I was wondering when we'd get those results. She said she would see if they are back yet, so we went into the waiting room while she got everything together (those results and figuring out the timing for the IUI on Sunday). A few minutes later she called us back and had us go into our dr's office. It seriously didn't really occur to me that there would be an issue on Josh's side. I considered it for like a second when this all started, but I was sure there wouldn't be an issue. So I was pretty shocked by the results. It's kinda a blur now and I don't remember exactly what she said other then they want to see the results above 2 million and his was 1/2 a million. Not good. And the mobility was "fair". Also not good. She said it could just be a fluke, or it could be what our problem has been all along. We'll have a better idea after we see what the numbers are when we do the IUI. But I asked if it was possible to get pregnant with those numbers and she said yes, especially doing IUI. IUI is pretty much the solution if this is our problem. So I'm hoping that with 2 mature follies and 2 almost mature that'll help our odds and his guys will be able to fertilize one of the eggs (at least)! So we did the trigger shot at 10 last night and we drop off his stuff at 9am tomorrow and then have the IUI done an hour later at 10am! Then I'll have my blood draw on the 31st. So hopefully we'll start the new year with a bun in my oven!

So we haven't really said much about his numbers and what it means. Up until yesterday he has been saying that he hopes this works because we can only afford to do it once. It's a one shot deal, blah blah blah. Which had me terrified because I know it might not work the first time even with everything being perfect. Now add in his results and it's even less chance of it working the first time so I was pretty scared. Well we went to dinner after the appointment and he said something along the lines of well if it doesn't work this first time then we need to talk to her about what could cause it (his results) and what could be don't to improve his stuff before we do it again. Inside I was like wait, what?!?! Yay!!! While on the outside trying to keep my cool and just agree with him. So that's good at least.

So here's hoping for better numbers tomorrow and for this IUI working!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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