Sunday, December 16, 2012


I barley got any sleep last night. I was so nervous and excited. I read to try to take my mind off it and usually reading until I feel tired helps me to fall asleep. Well I was wide awake so I would put the kindle down and try to fall asleep and my mind would not stop. First it was "when will I be able to test?" So I grabbed my phone and looked at the calendar and counted the days for the millionth time. Then other thoughts came up and I was googling them. So back to reading. Finally around 2 am I put it down and tried to sleep. It was a very restless sleep until about 5 something and then I finally fell asleep only to have my alarm go off at 7. So I got up, showered and got ready. I went downstairs so josh could have a little alone time to so his thing. So I fed the dogs and sat downstairs and waited, and waited. Because of how long it takes to get to the PG clinic he needed to do right before we left. And it took him forever. I wanted to yell up the stairs for him to hurry up, but decided that doing that probably wouldn't help matters. So he did his thing and we were on our way. We got there about 10 minutes late and they didn't seem to mind. I dropped off his stuff and they said to come back in 1 hour for the IUI. So we went and had breakfast. I was a nervous wreck. I was hoping for better numbers on his stuff and for it to work.

We went back and the nurse put us onto a room ad had me get undressed from the waist down and we sat there forever. We came back a little early so the stuff wasn't ready yet. Finally the dr came in...a different one...I've now had all 3 of the doctors at the clinic. My main one Dr. C, the other female one did my hsg and this time it was the main doctor director of the clinic. He went over Josh's numbers and they once again weren't good. One of the things was a little better, but overall pretty crappy. He was asking (like the nurse when she told us the SA results) if he'd had any surgeries, any injuries. And josh told me (both times) that he remembered something about going to a physical or something once and having to get a shot or something, for some reason it kept coming up in his mind but he couldn't figure out any way it could relate to all this... And I just didn't really think anything if it. I just said we need to ask your parents. So the dr said it just takes one, he's seen it work with lower numbers, we just need one Michael phelps swimmer. He didn't sound overly sure or anything, just letting us know that it could happen, but isn't as likely as it would be with more "normal" numbers. He did say that I stimulated really well and having 4 eggs would help our chances. So i guess that means that he felt that the 2 follies that weren't quite ready when I had my ultrasound Friday would be mature when I ovulate. He did the IUI and it didn't hurt or anything. Pretty much just like getting a pap. Then they had me lay there for like 15-20 mins. The nurse came back and gave us a little info sheet with follow-up instructions; start progesterone suppositories tomorrow night, make blood draw appointment for 1/2 to see if I'm pregnant, and... Have sex tonight and she told us its really important that I orgasm. She said that the uterine contractions caused by orgasm help get the sperm where it needs to be to fertilize the egg(s). It even says something like that on the paper! It was just really funny and awkward at the same time.

I asked when I could start testing and she said wait at least 7 days for the hcg to get out of my system and then I could start testing. But I know better then to test that early! I MIGHT test on Christmas, but it will only be 9dpiui (9 days past IUI) so I highly doubt it would be accurate, but it could be. It will be 5-6 before my missed period so it is possible I guess. I'm going to really try to wait until 12dpiui. I should get my period on the 30-31 so we'll pretty much know before the blood draw.

Then we came home and josh called his parents to tell them AND apparently he really was trying to remember something important! When he was young he had an undescended testicle...would have been nice to know that earlier! At least know we know the reason behind the issue. So if this doesn't work we'll met with the dr and see what we need to do. It's good to know what the issue is but sucks that this is the issue. At least with most female issues there are solutions.

So here's hoping for a BFP in 9-12 ish days!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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