Thursday, December 6, 2012


Yesterday I got a call from the pharmacy that the clinic uses about my prescriptions. I called as soon as I got off work and was told my insurance doesn't cover anything (except the prenatal vitamins the RE prescribed), which is what I already expected. The order was for clomid, trigger shot, progesterone and the prenatals. Since i wasn't sure we would be needing the trigger and not sure when I'd start clomid they said I could call back in the morning after my appointment. The total came it to $160. Which isn't too bad. But money is tight and we are trying to find ways to afford treatments. I have a card in my name for one of my mom's credit cards. After our first appointment she said I could use it if needed for treatments. So even though $160 isn't that much I called her yesterday to ask if I could use it for the meds. Basically to spread out the costs. I know at some point we'll be getting a bill (quite a few bills I'm sure) from the insurance and knowing most things won't be covered, using her card will lessen the burden of what we have to pay our insurance. I'm sure we'll have more time and lower payments on her card. So while I was on the phone I talked to her about how I'm feeling about treatments. That I think we should just do the IUI. Yes it's a lot up front, but what if we waste months in just doing clomid cycles and we have to do an IUI anyways? That'll be time and hundreds of dollars wasted. She agreed. She told me to use the card. I can pay it off over time and she'll even help us with some of it as our Christmas presents. So I got home and talked to josh. He's terrified about spending that much and owing my mom, but he agreed that I had a very good point. So we're doing it. We're doing an IUI this cycle! I'm so terrified about what will happen if it doesn't work. If it doesn't work we're screwed. So hopefully it will work!

I had my CD3 appointment this morning. I had an ultrasound and bloodwork. I start clomid tonight! And I have an appointment Tuesday for the HSG and Josh's semen analysis. And then next Friday I have a follicle check! If everything looks good and the follicles are the right size, we'll trigger and have the IUI over the weekend! Craziness! I just hope it all works out and we get pregnant this cycle!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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