Saturday, December 15, 2012


I'm not sure if that's even a work. I can't even remember the last time I got a really good nights sleep. And I don't think tonight will be any different since I'm having the IUI done in the morning! I'm to excited, nervous, scared, sleep. And how in the world am I going to make it through the next few weeks and remain sane. And get some sleep. Thankfully it's the holidays and my in-laws will be in town on Thursday and my mom will be here Sunday. So between family here and work I should be pretty busy!

I'm hoping and praying that tomorrow goes great, Josh's numbers are better then the SA numbers, that the next 2 weeks go by quickly, and that it works! That I get a positive, that my blood draw shows I'm pregnant, and that I spend the next 9 months happily (and uncomfortably I'm sure) pregnant and that I give birth to a healthy baby (or 2) in September 2013!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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